News from the Bishop’s office June and July 2024
June 29, 2024How often are you influenced by the constant negativity and hopelessness regarding the future that surrounds us day in and day out?
How often do you allow other people to influence your way of thinking?
How often do you keep quiet about something that is wrong, merely to please others?
These questions show you how relevant the watchword for this month is!
Christians are called to be the yeast in the world, but very often we live exactly like the society that we are part of.
Sometimes our faith asks of us to swim upstream, whilst everybody around us is floating effortlessly in another direction.
This watchword was possibly one reason why Martin Luther had to say: “Here I stand, I can do no other. “ My conscience is captive by the will of God.
May the July-watchword be a soul-searching text for all of us!