December 1, 2024
“…overflow with love for one another and for everyone” (1 Thessalonians 3:12).
We would like to congratulate all members who celebrate their birthday in December:
19 December Henning von Platen
21 December Dennis Baasch / Rixa Beutel
31 December Jutta Herrmann
We are grateful that you are in our presence. May you be blessed with another year of good health, love and friendship! And, may you experience the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of God our Father, and the ever-present company of the Holy Spirit each day of this new year!
As a congregation we want to share in each other’s joys, as well as sorrows. Please let the KV know if you have any news that may assist us in creating a caring and joyous community. You may also let us know of specific prayer requests for you and your loved ones.
We are all indebted to the team that creates a joyous space to continue our celebrations after the worship service with refreshments. Thank you particularly to Elsa, Susanne, Rolf & Brigitte, Jutta & Martin and all helpers – also for cleaning up afterwards!
We pray for our beloved friend, Rixa Beutel’s recovery after a shoulder operation.
Pastor Wolf von Kilian was diagnosed with prostate cancer and will receive medical treatment. We thank God for the good research in this medical field, and we pray for a full recovery. May both Pastor Wolf and his wife Ruth be blessed during this time.
Please keep the Detering Family in your prayers. Maretha Detering has been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease. We pray for her and her husband, Martin. May God bless you and keep you during these difficult times.