Hilfreiche Gedanken zur Advents – und Weihnachtszeit
November 24, 2024THE SEASON OF ADVENT
December 1, 2024Dearest friends and faith community of the Southern Cape Ev.-Lutheran Congregation
Whereas the Gospels of Matthew and Luke start with the nativity story, the Gospel of John focuses on something different. In the prologue the narrative starts with the focus on God as the Source of Life and Light. At last, what was prophesied by Isaiah became a reality with God taking on the flesh of humankind.
Now we know: “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5).
Christianity is a Story of Hope: no matter how overwhelming the chaos around us may be, the light of God continues to shine. Light holds a remarkable power: even the smallest light can dispel the darkest of darkness. A flame that is shared does not lose some of its own light; when shared, all flames burn equally bright. Jesus, as the Light of the world, enlightened his followers, and we continue spreading the light to the world.
The flame of God’s love cannot be extinguished. This imperative command of Isaiah is all inclusive for every person who has been enlightened by the flame of Christ. Therefore, be what you are, wherever you, for whomever around you; in whatever way possible – reflecting the glory of God.
May we all find space for quiet reflection during this coming holiday season to contemplate these two words: Arise! Shine!