June 29, 2024GALLERY IN JUNE
June 29, 2024We are a family in the Lord, and God has given us the privilege to pray for one another (James 5:16). Jesus often prayed for and with his followers and taught us how to pray. Therefore, let us pray together in July with the following prayer list:
Our congregation:
Pray for the clarity of God’s vision for the future of this congregation as we are on a new path to George. To whom are we sent to serve? What will be our vision? These are the topics of discussion for the KV, and we ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray also for the work of the building committee in their endeavour to plan the construction of the new church site.
- Pray for our KV meeting on 13 July.
- Pray for our fellow Lutheran congregations in Pacaltsdorp and Hornlee. It is our vision to have good working relationships with our brothers and sisters of the Lutheran family in the Southern Cape.
Our country:
Thank God that we may experience peace in our country; that we can live in a calm transition to a government of national unity. Pray for the wisdom and insight for our leaders to make the right decisions that may take our nation forward.
We also pray for those who are destitute in the extreme winter and adverse weather conditions.
Our worldwide fellow Christians:
May they not lose hope in Christ amid their difficult conflict situations. Pray for the pastors of all those congregations threatened by a daily struggle to survive.
Lastly, for those of you who like to delve deeper into understanding the Bible, a helpful website is:
This includes a Complete Guide to Bible Versions: Comparison, History, and Philosophy of Top Bible Translations. (Thank you, Peter Lor, for bringing this under our attention.)