December 31, 2023CONGRATULATIONS!
December 31, 2023We are truelly grateful that our membership numbers are very slowly growing. In 2023 Ingrid Jordaan and Dieter Wohlberg joined our congregation; Claudia and Hans Georg von Hase (the new owners of our church building) became members.
We also welcome – as friends of our congregation – Peter and Esme Kruger (from Pretoria) who are retiring in the Southern Cape, and Hannah Krause (from East Londen).
Katelyn Laube – our youngest member – was confirmed in Nov. ’23.
She also attended the CCW youth camp in Stellenbosch, Kijk in de Pot camp ground, from 14th to 19th of December. This was a very fruitful and blessed activity, organized by our Cape Church for the up-coming generation.